The changing face of Bollywood

Bollywood as an industry is clearly doing something right.

Known ubiquitously as world’s largest producer of cinema, it generates revenues of more than $3 billion every year—and it does so at about 30 percent of Hollywood’s annual budget. Its worldwide fan base counts well into the billions, and Bollywood films have been lauded on screens as different from each other as Fiji, Russia, and France.

But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for change or growth. Just ask Prashant Shah—producer of blockbusters such as R.A. One, Dostana, and My Name Is Khan—whose career has straddled both the Indian and American film industries.

Shah recalled his first big break as a line producer back in 2003. It was with Dev Anand, legendary forger of the twentieth-century Bollywood industry, and the two were getting ready to shoot Shah’s first U.S.-based Indian film, “Love at Times Square,” on a shoestring budget of $75,000.

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